
Holiday reading list

I just had dinner with some friends who were in town for Christmas and they reminded me that I have not posted anything recently. You can see their more faithful blogging at www.sarahandryan.net. In addition to seeing old friends (and celebrating the birth of Christ!), one of the things I enjoy about the Christmas break is sitting by the fireplace with a good book. I have organized my current picks into a Venn diagram of overlapping subject matter (because I’m nerdy like that). All you need to do is decide which subject(s) you’re interested in and read the corresponding book. Enjoy!

1) Ten Books on Architecture (Vitruvius)
2) Warrior Politics (Robert Kaplan)
3) The Mighty and the Almighty (Madeline Albright)
4) Design Like You Give A Damn (Architecture for Humanity)
5) The Bible (God, et al.)
6) Building Green (Clarke Snell and Tim Callahan)
7) The Ragamufffin Gospel (Brennan Manning)