
twitter vs. facebook

I tried several social networking sites- orkut, hi5, myspace, linkedin- before finding on Facebook a tool that has a critical mass of utility (ie users who were my real world friends). I joined about the time they started using the newsfeed function (3-4 years ago?) This feature, while much protested by the original undergraduate users, is what made Facebook useful for me in a way that myspace was not. You could see at a glance what friends from around the country were up to. You also got a sense of what your friends in your immediate circle were up to and could talk about it the next time you saw them.

I first heard about Twitter a few years ago while listening to the podcasts from the SXSW technology conference- it seemed to be all the rage among the technology crowd there, but I wasn't entirely clear on the concept. The users described the utility in terms of having a sixth sense of what was going on in the lives of the people around them. The newsfeed on Facebook pretty much does this for me.

The other thing I didn't understand was how it was used from a time managment standpoint. It seems like constantly updating your status would be a pretty big time suck, unless you were already used to texting from a mobile device on a regular basis. And where do you read your updates? Are people sending you texts every 30 seconds? Is it like IM which I find intrusive and difficult to use?

Anyway, these blog posts were helpful to me in trying to understand what it's all about:

It seems like twitter is more about networking with people you don't necesarily know in real life, while Facebook is a tool for maintaining/augmenting your real-world social networks? Is this accurate? Twitter users out there- what do you do with it? I'm thinking about checking it out, but still don't quite understand if it's something that would be useful to me. On a side note, I also have kind of an aesthetic pet peeve about twitter/tweets. If you're going to send tweets, why not call it Tweeter? Or vice versa? Would I really be able to convey ideas I want to get across in 140 characters? I already find the limits for commenting on articles posted on facebook to be inadequate.

Like more:
reading blogs, articles
ability to communicate with people I don't know
intelligent discourse on comments/message boards

Like less:
Text messages
IM, chatting
application requests
friend requests from people I don't know
hyperpartisan discourse on most comments/message boards

Should I use twitter? Do you use twitter? Help me out here!


At 15:43 , Blogger ryan said...

Very interesting post, as what you've described as being the difference between Twitter and Facebook is what I've observed in Sarah's use of them both (I just didn't realize it until you pointed it out). I too am not yet on twitter and I take facebook in spurts. As a side note, your RSS feeds don't work currently so there's no way to subscribe to your blog successfully right now (wrong domain name issues).


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