
State of the Union

I listened to the state of the union address this evening and was reminded that George Bush can give a pretty good speech. We'll have to wait and see how the follow-up goes. One thing I really liked and found very interesting was that he incorporated some of the suggestions contained in Thomas Friedman's NY Times column from January 27. Mr. Friedman has been writing a lot lately on the link between energy prices and oppressive regimes, and the need for the US to innovate in the area of energy for the sake of national security and to remain competitive with India and China. Could it be that someone in the administration is listening to Mr. Friedman's sage advice? I hope so.


The blog is back, or bloggy got back

After almost a year with no postings I'm relaunching the ol' blog with a new name and a new color scheme! Why the drastic change you might ask? Well... like most complex behaviors there were multiple factors that led to this event.

I've been engaging the digital lifestyle lately through the acquisition of things like a camera phone, an ipod, and a networked printer. I can shoot a picture or video on the mobile, email it to my laptop over the phone, print out a still from anywhere in the house, or transfer it to the ipod and see it on TV. I could then take a picture of the screen and start all over again! So that's the background.

However the proximate cause (to use a medicolegal term) was a chance meeting with Todrick Estelle at Cafe Brazil tonight about 2am. I gave him the rest of my chips&salsa, and he wrote down his blogsite: pencilu.blogspot.com. I figured that if even slightly drunk guys coming back from the club had blogs, I should get one too.

By the way, if you need a charcoal sketch you should check him out. Just take a picture of your fellow bloggers at the club on your trendy camera phone, email it to him in Austria, and he'll send you back some orginal art. Isn't technology great?